
Raised in Upstate New York, Alexander spent his childhood confined to a suburban town on the cusp of rurality. Despite desperate efforts to fit the molds set by his surroundings, he never found a place where he truly felt at home. Letting failure guide his course, a traumatic leg injury forced Alexander to look inward for such a space. Using art as a means to create one, he uncovered his true purpose. Learning the ropes inside of little spiral bound sketchbooks, the camera soon captivated him. Inspired by this new medium, he was pushed to experience the world in a way he had previously feared. A newfound relationship with discomfort has been propelling him into the unknown ever since. Crowning experimentation, Alexander uses intuition as his compass and subject. After earning a degree in Art Direction in Philadelphia, Alexander now lives and works in New York City. He continues to blur genre and delve into the subconscious, with the hope that his discoveries might bring people closer to what lies beneath.